Collection: Scarlet & Violet - Singles

The Scarlet & Violet Era kicked off with the release of Scarlet ex and Violet ex and introduces the Trading Card game to Generation IX. In the SV set release cycle followed by all language releases other than Simplified Chinese,

The first Pair of expansions features the box legendaries of Koraidon and Miraidon. It Brought the TCG up to regulation (G) and saw the rotation of regulation (D) cards shortly thereafter. With this initial pairing of base expansions, Pokémon Tool Cards were introduced as a distinct class of trainer cards, AR Rarity cards where introduced as secret rares in Main Series expansion releases and SAR rarity cards were introduced, largely replacing HR rarity cards from prior expansions.

The base expansions also saw the introduction of Pokémon ex & Tera Pokémon ex that replace the Pokémon V, VMAX, V-Union & VSTAR from the Sword & Shield Era. The First Subset, Triplet Beat focused heavily on the Generation IX first partner Pokémon with the Final evolutions Meowscarada, Skeledirge & Quaquaval each featuring prominently on the pack artwork and getting Pokémon ex cards with RR, SR, SAR, and UR rarity prints.